A self-guided experience for coaches + service-based entrepreneurs who are ready to rise above the $3K months. Get ready to re-engineer your mindset + attune your energy as you pave the way for abundant expansion without compromising your well-being. 

Design YOUR 6-figure business ⇢

Within this self-guided program, my intention is for you to:

  • Gain crystal-clear clarity on crafting your signature transformational high-ticket offer, one that's simply a 'no-brainer' to your ideal clients. 
  • Embrace and trust an authentic process that aligns with your values, attracting and generating high-income months (starting from 3K and beyond) in recurring revenue. Discover how to position your offer in a way that eliminates the need for lengthy sales calls, letting clients come to you.
  • Serve your absolute best-fit clients, carefully cultivated through refined marketing and sales strategies in integrity to you. Clearly communicate your process and how your clients will effortlessly achieve results.
  • Streamline your approach with simple and effective systems, strategies, and structures to receive clients with a sense of ease, regaining time in your schedule. 

You desire more calm & ease in your launches and evergreen offers because you trust that the way you navigate business feeling deeper:

  • Confidence in becoming your true self as a coach/entrepreneur, expressing your authentic identity. Experience a sense of expansion and energetic alignment as you let go of past conditioning and overcome mindset and energy blocks, creating a nurturing space for abundant growth.
  • Sense of safety, worthiness, and inner security, allowing you to confidently be visible and clear about your target audience, how you serve them, and deliver transformational results.
  • Awareness of your mindset and emotions, empowering you to regulate your nervous system and feel grounded. This support and increased capacity will fuel your business growth.
  • Simplicity and effectiveness in the positioning of your offer(s) while gaining clarity on what truly influences your selling success and eliminate what doesn't, creating a powerful impact on your income and overall business growth.
Secure Your Spot, TODAY ⇢

After dedicating over 10 years to a high-level Corporate HR job, I courageously made the leap into full-time entrepreneurship. Within a mere 4 months, I had successfully transitioned and laid the foundation for a multi 6-figure business. Celebrating achievements like generating 36K in just 8 days and surpassing multiple 6-figures within a remarkable 18-month timeframe.

Today, I own a thriving multi-6-figure business that aligns with my values & authentic self. Infusing Spirit, Divine Feminine energies, and spaciousness into my marketing, selling, and positioning through a trauma-sensitive approach.

Beyond serving my valued clients, I embrace enriching life experiences that fuel my creativity and bring joy to my soul. I embark on leisurely travels worldwide, all while making a meaningful impact that uplifts collective consciousness. These transformative experiences hold deep significance, especially after overcoming disconnection from my authentic voice just a couple of years ago. Now, I confidently show up as my true self, no longer disheartened by unrealized potential during my corporate days.

The thing is - those experiences reconnected me with the Divine Feminine and initiated my healing, which transformed everything.

It changed me.


  • It awakened the realization that climbing the "Corporate ladder" only deepened the void within.

  • The compensation package and perks no longer outweighed my health and well-being.

By wholeheartedly devoting myself to inner work and making a steadfast commitment, I liberated myself from subconscious patterns. I fearlessly established firm boundaries and reclaimed my personal power.
Suddenly, 5K months in my business felt limiting, holding back my genuine potential and the transformative impact I was meant to make.

You don't need to work 8 hours a day as if you're still in the corporate grind. It's time to break free from the belief that success and worthiness are tied to non-stop hustle. Instead, find solace in a newfound sense of safety, stability, and security within yourself. Prepare to witness an incredible transformation as you dedicate just 2-4 hours per day to your business, reclaiming your time and freedom.

I gained SO MUCH confidence in myself as a coach in just 3 months

"Working with Mal was by far one of the best investments I've made in my business. Mal has this unique blend of specialized marketing knowledge and intuitive healer energy that really propels results.

I gained SO MUCH confidence in myself as a coach in just 3 months. I wasn't showing my face much on instagram and by the end of the program, I was posting videos almost daily.

One of Mal's superpowers is her intuition - she was so good at pinpointing blocks that I couldn't see for myself and helping me work through them. I would recommend Mal to anyone who is ready to believe in themselves and that they can run a profitable business doing what they love. Mal will give you the tools and support to get you on that path!"

Jessica K.
Manifestation Coach & Dream Activator

You'll strengthen your own way of showing up in the world, talking about your business & owning the power of who you truly are and how you can help others to thrive

"This was an incredibly game changing experience for me. Frequency and Mal helped me to narrow in on one higher ticket offer - and gave me the confidence to promote that offer online.

I love Mal's powerful ability to draw out the most important pieces of your puzzle in your business - and help you transform them into a beautiful coherent message to your audience. Mal's intuitive power and ability is incredible, and she holds the space for you in the most beautiful and non-judgmental way. For any spiritual entrepreneur who is newer to business, and wanting to up-level their strategy while still honoring their soul calling and their own intuitive power. You'll strengthen your own way of showing up in the world, talking about your business & owning the power of who you truly are and how you can help others to thrive."

Kelli F.
Intuitive Empowerment Mentor

The Investment With You Has Paid for Itself 10x Over

"You’ve allowed me to create a business WAY more fun than I imagined. I’ve created a program that’s SO fun and aligned to market. I'm witnessing the right people being called into me and I’m working with incredible people. It not only makes my business easy and fun but my life as well.  The investment with you has paid for itself 10x over. My favourite investment has been my work with you, Mallory."

Danielle Z.

I've Exceeded the Goals
I First Set With You

"With your guidance and coaching, I've put myself out into the world building a community from the ground up and holding space to work with my own first group of women. I've exceeded the goals I first set with you, and learned healing and emotional/thought management techniques that are truly transformational. I'm feel so incredibly blessed. Thank you!"

Kimi S.
Self-Exploration & Transformation Advocate

 Access your subconscious mind & regulate your nervous system to...

  • Redefine your relationship with success and worth, so you can begin stepping your foot down the path of feeling more confident.
  • Banish stubborn limiting beliefs that hold you back. Gaining a state of self-certainty and enhanced self-trust in business.
  • Achieve more as you hustle less and take a simplified approach to your business. Manage and expand your capacity to bounce back from worry and overwhelm about where your next clients will come from.
  • Reduce self-sabotage behaviours such as being stuck in perfectionism and/or procrastination by resolving your unconscious patterns through the self-coaching model.

 If you're the coach with a passion, a mission, skills or talents and...

You're working a 9-5 and know it's possible to be more satiated by your work...

You want a more grounded conceptualized vision on how to get started with your business...

You desire to more easily be able to access a state of calmness as you witness the momentum in your business results...

 THIS is for YOU.

The intention of clients working with me through this program is to grow and move in the direction of their income goals, that's repeatable and sustainable moving forward. 

They create flow, integrity and a state of peacefulness, saving time, energy and resources within this "one stop shop" for energetics, mindset, and business fundamentals for a 6-figure business. 

✸ W H A T  C L I E N T S  A R E  S A Y I N G  âś¸

Secure Your Spot, TODAY ⇢


Client Portal Course Modules

Here's an outline of what you'll move through within:

 Mindset & Energetics, Cultivating Confidence and Clarity

Focusing on what you desire within the next ten weeks through defining your action plan for goals. Creating clear action steps for goal, and self, as we start to shift your mindset to align with those goals. My intention is you'll walk away with a greater level of confidence cultivated in knowing how you'll reach your goals. 

Releasing and rewiring parts of self holding onto limiting decisions + beliefs and negative emotions through potent subconscious mindset & somatic healing techniques to retrain your brain for your highest aligned success, while maintaining a frequency of resonance to this next level you. Becoming an authority in your business and the decisions you make within it.

Brand & Offer Development, Defining and Positioning to Attract Clients

Turning your knowledge, gifts, skills, talents and purpose into a high-ticket transformational offer that’s profitable and sustainable in success as a 1:1 offer or group program. You’ll adopt an intuitive business strategy and energetic feminine "funnel" for sharing your business that honours your energy, capacity, and humanity. 

Alchemizing your energy to your offer and playing in the quantum realm. Learn how to bio-hack and shift energetically to call in your desires while you define your positioning, CLEAR messaging and marketing. You’ll have tools to take-away to shift your frequency in an empowered and liberated way to feel more confident and rooted in the space you hold for others. 

 The Art of Marketing & Selling, Convert with Certainty

You’ll learn how to build a coaching brand that resonates deeply with your ideal client and learn how to set the energetic boundaries to attract soul-aligned, high-ticket clients that respect your price, value your time, trust you and your work, and meet your standards. You’ll learn the language shifts to use in your content and messaging that attract ready to INVEST clients to your offer(s).

Mastering the ART of selling, buyer and sales psychology, and finding JOY in the sales process. Identify how you desire to facilitate and close sales under a trauma sensitive lens and process. Learn how to consistently sign-on clients with confidence and ease, reigning in both the energetics and mindset. Learning, in your sales process, what your specific audience wants to word it in a way where they understand the value at a deep emotional level (subconsciously). 

 Scale & Soar, Expand Reach + Impact

Guaranteeing your success, embodying grace and ease through boundaries while honouring how to best support and regulate your nervous system as you encounter new depths and wealth in your business. Anchoring in your own self mastery while developing your customized client generation strategies; where you don't need to feel so hands on each step of the way as you hold a state of certainty behind the "ecosystem" you've implemented and journey clients take to work with you.  

Scale & soar, expanding your reach and impact. How to continue to build a business that brings in clients (and money) whether you're sleeping, travelling and living your life to the fullest! Covering finances, team building, and product suite evolution. Including a module on channelling to enhance and expand both on an energetic and business level. Embody your vibrant imperfect human self and still, if you so desire, continue your path to 6-figures as a spiritual entrepreneur. 

I N C L U D E S : 
  • Long-term access to Frequency Business Mastery private client portal with course modules of 80+ video and audio recordings, profound subconscious techniques to retrain your brain, program worksheets, DFY (done-for-you) templates, and exercises attached to lessons.
  • OPTIONAL ADD ON AT PURCHASE: VOXER voice & text access to Mal for a month  to INTEGRATE the methodology + practices taught in the course modules so you receive the high level support and overcome the mindset blocks to make sales in your business.









Mallory's higher-self made her way into a number of my own self-reiki sessions and meditations to offer me guidance

"When I first stepped into my role as a new business owner and coach, I knew it was pivotal to find the right mentor to support me through this new chapter. I was immediately guided to Mal's energy, and knew she would see me, and be able to support me at a deep level. I saw her as an embodiment of the version of myself I knew I was becoming.

My greatest learning from Mallory was simply through witnessing how she carried herself. She emanates a clear and potent frequency, and truly leads by example. Her own unshakeable levels of clarity, groundedness, confidence and certainty are what held me through my own ebbs and flows working together.

When I started working with Mal I was extremely unclear in who I would serve or how I could add value. Not only was I severely lacking confidence in myself, but I was also looping in deeply ingrained patterns of feeling misunderstood. Through mindset work and in the energy of our shared container itself, I was able to release old limiting beliefs that no one would understand me, my messaging or my offerings and began sharing my voice more openly from a place of faith and self-trust.

Our work extended far beyond voxer and zoom. Mallory's higher-self made her way into a number of my own self-reiki sessions and meditations to offer me guidance. It's challenging to put into language my transformation when so much of it happened at subconscious, energetic and cellular levels. If anyone is considering working with Mallory, trust the calling and take the leap. There is a reason you are feeling pulled, and once you dive in you will immediately understand and be grateful that you did."

Elise J.
Energetics Coach & Reiki Master

Hi, I'm Mallory

As a Trauma Sensitive, Mindset Coach & Spiritual Business Strategist,I empower fellow female coaches and online service-based entrepreneurs to unlock the innate GENIUS & LEADER within to cultivate an impactful business, that FEELS so GOOD, without relying on 'bro' marketing & sales tactics. My intuition is a superpower to pinpoint and break-through your blindspots, as we strengthen your nervous system's resiliency and capacity alongside re-engineering your mindset and attuning your energy to HOLD the income + clients you've dreamed of. 

I'm a Reiki Master, Psychic Medium, and certified Polyvagal-Informed, Life & Success Coach, Hypnotherapist, Neural Energetic Encoding, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner weaving the metaphysical with the physical, the soul and strategy, with intuitive transformational coaching and manifestation, as you regulate your nervous system to bring forward a thriving business embodying your authentic self, as you create success from the inside out.

I am guided by trauma sensitive practices and protocols in how I choose to run business and hold space for transformational coaching experiences with clients. I've had a previous life here as an Human Resources professional too.

I am here to guide you so you can then step into a life filled with peace, purpose and true fulfillment as you build and scale your profitable and aligned business, that's sustainable in success. 

A S  S E E N  I N

If you do not resonate with the typical "BRO" approach to marketing & sales...


If you want to stop feeling like you don't know what to focus your energy on each day to make the income you want...

If you want to build an unshakeable confidence and trust, to build a profitable business, breaking the "pain point" marketing rules and still make BANK... 

If you want to hold certainty that you create compelling content where you invite your ideal client to reach out to you vs. adopting a pray & post method...

If you want to tap into your FULL potential and turn it into the income and impact you desire while infusing play and joy into your business as you dissolve the self-doubt, fear, burn-out, uncertainty and overwhelm approaching a simplified yet sustainable business model!

This is why I created Frequency Business Mastery.


You're here because you're an entrepreneur who has a passion for helping people transform their lives in a meaningful way. 

You may be a creative brand + website designer, manifestation coach, self-love / relationship coach, mindset coach, Reiki Master, breath-work practitioner, Medium, Akashic Record Reader, holistic nutritionist, or even health coach...

I've helped em all! 🖤

Regardless, you want to weave your metaphysical background with an intuitive, simplified and effective business strategy and structure, to surpass $3-5K months in business. Fostering confidence and freedom to do the things you are so passionate about and love in life. GIVING YOU TIME BACK to invest in your creative arts and relationships. 

This is a journey of integrating and harmonizing parts of yourself to realize and awaken your whole SELF. 

Rewiring and reprogramming your subconscious mind to shift at an identity level and be the energetic vessel required to hold more, safely through a regulated nervous system. 


If you've recently been building your own business, you may be familiar with these questions your mind presents you of:

✨ "What do I need to be doing?"

✨ "Will this be profitable?"

✨ "Is this possible for me? Will others want what I offer?"

✨ "Where/how will I receive my next paying client?"

I believe when you connect in with your soul purposes and your reason to serve other humans... the drive, the passion will fuel the inner work to usher greater self-trust and safety within, to create a business without sacrificing your authentic voice and values. 

The definition of successful living is a uniquely personal thing. And the only person who can truly answer this question is YOU. However, there is a trait I consistently notice in people I consider to be successful. And it’s their MIND and their HEART.

Look no further, Frequency Business Mastery is for you.

S N E A K  P E E K

A lens into the first week and partial second week module and lessons.

✸ M O R E  C L I E N T  B R E A K T H R O U G H S ✸

F R E Q U E N T L Y  A S K E D  Q U E S T I O N S

You Might Be Wondering...

Mal helped me gain clarity and confidence in my business and helped me expand in my consciousness


"I launched and sold a 6 month high ticket program that was in alignment with my soul’s desire and that I felt called to offer to the world. My first sale was even within 48 hours of my launch… INCREDIBLE result!

During our time together Mal helped me gain clarity and confidence in my business and helped me expand in my consciousness. With her knowledge and understanding of mindset and spirituality, it was exactly what I was looking for to help me create the shifts.

What I loved about working with Mal was how she was always available to help me see things in a completely different perspective when my mind would take over and fear would arise.

Mal knew exactly what to say and how to put me at ease and direct my focus to where it should have been.

Whenever I felt not ready or my mind would try to create excuses, Mal would always remind me that it was about taking messy action as it didn’t need to be perfect!

Mal is very easy to work with and I would recommend her to anyone looking to start or grow a spiritual based business!"

Kate C.
Mindset & Manifestation Coach

Energetic Amplification & Collapsing of Timelines

"I could have never gotten to this point on my own this quickly, there's been this energetic amplification and collapsing of timelines. Be ready to know yourself on a whole deeper level, the way you think and manifest. You are going to have to be honest with yourself to get the best results, it's about the journey and have fun and be playful."

Margaret P.
Somatic Guide

New Level of Boundaries & Awareness

"I appreciate the deep reflection Mal encouraged within me. Bringing my gifts to focus, instilling calmness and peace as I grounded and birthed a new business with confidence. Implementing a new level of boundaries and awareness around serving and giving my energies while "becoming" through the array of practical tools Mal shares."

Leah T.
Spiritual Entrepreneur, Healer

✴︎ Stay connected ✴︎


I respectfully acknowledge my place of work is within the ancestral, traditional and unceded territories of the XĘ·mÉ™θkĘ·É™yĚ“É™m (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and sÉ™lĚ“ilwÉ™taʔɬ/selĚ“ílwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) and that I serve the Peoples of the many Nations throughout British Columbia.